Tuesday, January 19, 2010

First glimmers of Frost Moon on Amazon...

... though it is from my loyal publisher:
Immortal70 says: Does anyone know of any Fantasy or SciFi titles with bisexual women or lesbians as central characters besides the Hollows series? I love them, but I've read them all so far.

Deborah Smith says: Hi, I'm trying to get the word out among GLBT fantasy readers for a new urban fantasy series coming in March from my small press. SKIN DANCER, Book one: FROST MOON is by debut novelist Anthony Francis. Dakota Frost is Atlanta's finest magical tattoo artist. Tall, gorgeous, bi-sexual and enormously skilled as both the magical ink arts and the seduction of skin dancing, she walks the line of Edgeworld, the local community of non-human beings, mages, witches and illusionists. When the Atlanta P.D. need help tracking down a serial killer who slices tattoos from his victims, Dakota is thrown into dangerous intrigues and old alliances, including seeking the help of her ex-girlfriend, Savannah Winters, who is now a vampire.
Still, I got chills...
-the Centaur



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